Monday, December 16, 2013

Unemployment still exists

(All before starting, don’t conclude with the title as it has ultimately “No Straight” Correlation with the article !)

 Our Society had seen many reformers, who tried to put the future of our country in pace. Wish they were alive, just to see, if their voice for reformation had set it’s ideal destination. I had a discussion with my dad on our nation’s recent judgement that brought distinctive conjecture among the mob. “Living Together” Followed by eight rules embedded with it. “I seriously don’t understand where are we heading towards.! There will never be any social security if this is brought in. And they call it an unbigoted thinking! Useless”. said He. Apart from the undeniable fact that he is a common man, I could see an anxious father in him. After all he has a daughter, whom by all South Indian Traditions and at least not a big-fat wedding, yet, that satisfies the groom’s family and himself, he would definitely wants to spend rest of his life peacefully after handing her over to a prince (As he calls).Actually I couldn’t blame him. I was then thinking for so long. After all I’m living in the society where Homosexuality is seen as crime, yet Living together is legally permitted. I was boggled, how silly it is to say that homosexuality is a western culture (Wondering what living together is??!!) . Practically (It should be logical infact), convincing the cohabitants sounds easier and way more plausible than convincing a hormone to become a hetero. (Come on ! It’s against nature and not culture).While one stack of people are pretty much busy debating on so called “Western Doom”, the other set had torrid topics in town to discuss. (What more disappointing is, such social mishaps are ending up as only topics to debate on !). “An Year Passed ! On the same day, we lost you.. May your Soul rest in peace “, came across lots and lots of condolence across , almost every social websites. Those were for the girl, who had hard time fighting for her life, trying to save herself from atrocious jerks. Pity her, she could Just fight. She had definitely left a monumental stir in everybody’s life. There were huge cortege, voices in every corner of the town. All that is left behind are the memories of her. But Wait! . What exactly had changed from then?!. We are still coming across a “sexual assault ” disclosure in each page of a news paper. Turn on the Television, just to hear a girl is raped and torn into pieces. It pummels hard, “Wake up! we are staying in the insecure society!”. Gone were Nirbhaya talks and now Aarushi’s Murder.Our Culture and tradition had always got it’s high values athwart. We had always been fed with importance of being in a family. A secured place on the earth. After Aarushi, the situation turned topsy-turvy. (Though there were only circumstantial evidences to prove she had been murdered by her own parents). All that ended up is a movie based on her life. Only she knows who killed her. Right on the other track, agreeing every coin has two sides. But, molestation,”honor killing” or a brutal murder wouldn’t be the best way to stop things against any culture degradation behavior. What more Justice can we expect, when a “Chief Justice” misbehaves?!. There are still more suppressing debacles on which lights were not thrown on. Come across a common man, asks his opinion on such convulsion. He answers “Elam Society thanga…athuku enna pandrathu”( It’s all society…what to do?), forgetting even he is the dominant part in the society. Others (Who calls themselves well educated) says “Dress code!”. Insanity at its peak. I still laugh at the morons, and feel like asking this on their face , “Educate a 2 year old child to wear a saree?” (Pity, she was wearing a frock when raped). Our country has already lost it’s charm in recent times but the situation still persists as “Abuse and Murder for culture depravity”. The sensational topic might go on and would even run out of pages. All that I could conclude is “Unemployment still exists!” where the dullards had picked up assaulting a part time Job.

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